Media Resources

EDSITEment provides access to NEH-funded media resources including videos, podcasts, lectures, interactives for the classroom, and film projects. Each resource includes questions to prompt analysis, connections to other NEH-related resources, and links to related EDSITEment lessons and materials.

117 Result(s)
BackStory: Women at Work

This BackStory podcast on the history of women in the workplace includes several segments. Stories include the lives of nineteenth century domestic workers, myths related to "Rosie the Riveter" during WWII, and changes and challenges in the twenty-first century.

BackStory: You've Come A Long Way—A History of Women in Politics

This episode of BackStory examines how women have influenced politics in the United States. From bread riots during the Civil War to the suffrage movement to campaigns for the Presidency of the United States, women have organized, marched, petitioned, and brought about change through grassroots movements and from within institutions of power. 

Adiós Amor: The Search for Maria Moreno

Though narratives of the early farm worker movement are associated most with figures like César Chávez and Dolores Huerta, Maria Moreno, an activist and labor organizer in the 1950s, predated them both. Adiós Amor, a film funded in part by the NEH, traces her story.

BackStory: Forgotten Flu—America and the 1918 Pandemic

This episode of BackStory takes listeners into the flu pandemic of 1918 that killed nearly 675,000 people. How do pandemics come about and what responsibilities do people bare to prevent further spread of a virus? We provide the audio recording, a listening guide, and connections to resources for investigating pandemics in world history.  

Why Here?: Eatonville, Florida and Zora Neale Hurston

This Media Resource introduces students to Eatonville’s history and Zora Neale Hurston’s life and work. Guiding questions, video interviews, and other digital materials offer insight into Hurston’s life and Eatonville’s significance as an early and lasting pillar of Black Southern culture and folkways.

Free and Equal: The Promise of Reconstruction in America

The NEH-funded Free and Equal project offers a digital way for students to explore the Rehearsal for Reconstruction in the Sea Islands of South Carolina in 1861. The site uses primary sources and dynamic images and illustrations to walk visitors through how this early attempt at reconstruction affected Black families.