Composition in Painting (Teacher)

Two Children Teasing a Cat by Annibale Carracci.
Composition in Painting: Everything in its right place
Lesson One | Lesson Two | Lesson Three | Lesson Four
Lesson One - Shaping the View: Composition Basics
1. Compose a Visual Symphony: Three sides to many stories
Annibale Carracci’s 1590 painting, Two Children Teasing a Cat
Emmanuel Leutze’s Washington Crossing the Delaware
2. Compose a Visual Symphony: Variety of Visions
George Catlin’s Ojibbeway Indians in Paris
- Catlin (Paris) Line Drawing
- Catlin (Paris) Diagram Figure 1 (oval)
- Catlin (Paris) Diagram Figure 2 (ellipse)
George Catlin’s Snow Shoe Dance- Ojibbeway
Vittore Carpaccio’s The Flight into Egypt
3. Compose a Visual Symphony: Pulling towards the Center
Cima da Conegliano’s Madonna and Child with Saint Jerome and Saint John the Baptist
Sandro Botticelli’s Adoration of the Magi
Jacques-Louis David’s The Death of Socrates
Lesson Two - Shaping the View: Symmetry and Balance
1. Mirror, Mirror: Symmetry in Painting
Bergognone’s The Assumption of the Virgin
Thomas Hart Benton’s Trail Riders
Hendrick Avercamp’s Scene with a Tower to the Left
2. Balancing Acts
Cima de Conegliano’s Madonna and Child with Saint Jerome and Saint John the Baptist
Hendrick Avercamp’s Scene with a Tower to the Left
Lesson Three - Repeat After Me: Repetition in the Visual Arts
1. Practice Makes Perfect? Introducing Repetition in Composition
Claude Monet’s Palazzo del Mula Venice
- Line Drawing of Monet
- Diagram 1
- Diagram 2
- Diagram 3
- Diagram 4
Thomas Eakins’ The Champion Single Sculls
2. Repetition and the Use of Color
William H. Johnson’s Harlem Street
William S. Schwartz’s Mining in Illinois
Alan Rohan Crite’s School’s Out
3. Working together: Form and Color
George Bellows’ New York
John Biggers’ Shotgun, Third Ward #1
Lesson Four - Follow the Leader: Line in the Visual Arts
1. Lining Up
Grant Wood's Haying
Saul Berman’s River Front
2. In the Line of Sight
William Clarke Rice’s October
Frederick J. Waugh’s The Knight of the Holy Grail
3. What Kind of Lines?
Jacques-Louis David’s The Emperor Napoleon in his Study at the Tuileries
Hans Baldung Grien’s Man of Sorrows
Henry Fuseli’s Oedipus Cursing his Son, Polynices