
756 Result(s)
… Faulkner's As I Lay Dying: Form of a Funeral … yes William Faulkner portrait by Carl Van Vechten, 1954. Photo … loved ones? Evaluate Faulkner's place in American literary history. Examine Faulkner's "South" in the context of the …
Lesson Plan
… Lesson 3: The Roman Alphabet is our Alphabet … yes The Romans used the first version of … lots of books. The Romans wrote poems, speeches, plays, histories, books of science, and books of thoughts about the …
Lesson Plan
… Chinua Achebe’s "New English" in Things Fall Apart … yes Maiden Spirit … dialects and communicate to an English speaking reader? History & Social Studies World History Literature & Language …
Lesson Plan
… Balancing Three Branches at Once: Our System of Checks and Balances … yes … of our government check one another? A More Perfect Union History & Social Studies U.S. History 6-8 2 Mary Edmonds
Closer Readings Post
… American Art at the Core of Learning … May 10, 2016 Sara Jatcko yes Participants at American Art at the Core of … A More Perfect Union Art & Culture Painting Media Arts History North America Impressionism (late 19th century) …
Lesson Plan
… Egyptian Symbols and Figures: Scroll Paintings … yes Scrolling through Imhotep's Book … the Old Kingdom (the earliest period of dynastic Egyptian history, dating from the third millennium BC), these …
Lesson Plan
… The First Amendment: What's Fair in a Free Country? … yes The U.S. … limited and other speech protected?  A More Perfect Union History & Social Studies Civics U.S. History K-5 3 09/28/10 …
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… Declare the Causes: The Declaration of Independence … yes Declaration of … How is the Declaration structured? A More Perfect Union History & Social Studies U.S. History K-5 2 09/25/10 … …
Lesson Plan
… Examining Utopia & Dystopia in The Giver … yes Utopian flying machines, France, 1890–1900. Photo caption … dystopia? What is the significance of personal and communal history, memories, and reading throughout the novel? How …
Lesson Plan
… Under the Deep Blue Sea … yes Clown fish playing hide and seek in sea anemone. … to create our own poems and stories about the ocean? History & Social Studies U.S. History Art & Culture …
Lesson Plan
… Lesson 1: The Metamorphoses and Genesis: A Comparison of Creation-Flood Stories … … in the classroom; however, most teachers of literature and history know that their students need to grasp at least the …
Lesson Plan
… Where the Mountain Meets the Moon … yes Grace Lin Photo caption Grace Lin. Photo: … " Chinese Dragon: A Powerful Metaphor in Chinese Cultural History"  designed for Grade 4 talented and gifted classes, …
Lesson Plan
… Investigating Jack London's White Fang: Nature and Culture … LaunchPad . Browse the EDSITEment-reviewed Washington State History Museum's Golden Dreams: The Quest for the Klondike …
Lesson Plan
… The Impact of a Poem's Line Breaks: Enjambment and Gwendolyn Brooks' "We Real Cool" … yes … by providing some details of her life and place in literary history, drawing from the following links available via the …
Lesson Plan
… “Cotton Candy” by Edward Hirsch … no black and white photo of just Hirsch's face, a slight smile on his face Photo caption … place older people, as bridges to personal and community history, hold in our lives. This lesson plan provides a …
… William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury: Narrating the Compson Family Decline and … South? Define Faulkner's place in American literary history Describe Faulkner's "South" in the context of the …
Lesson Plan
… The Olympic Medal: It's All Greek to Us! … yes Physical Fitness Sokol 5-cent U.S. stamp, circa … called epinicia. Briefly state Greece's role in Olympic history. How can familiarity with the Greek alphabet help us
Lesson Plan
… Arabic Poetry: Guzzle a Ghazal! … yes Southern Arabia, Alabaster (gypsum). Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel … ghazal form to make connections to culture, language, and history.  What is a ghazal, how did it evolve, and why has
Lesson Plan
… A Trip to Wonderland: The Nursery ‘Alice’ … yes Illustration from Alice in Wonderland. Photo caption … detailing the background, social context, and cultural history surrounding the publication of Lewis Carroll's Alice …
Lesson Plan
… Lesson 1: Mark Twain and American Humor … yes Mark Twain, perhaps the most renowned American humorist … American humorists What place does Mark Twain have in the history of American literary humor? How does "The Celebrated …
Lesson Plan
Stephen Crane's "The Open Boat" … yes A dinghy like the one here figures in Stephen Crane's … biography and contextualize him in American literary history, using the biographies and other information …
Lesson Plan
… Knowledge or Instinct? Jack London's “To Build a Fire” … yes Bound for the Klondike gold … to Jack London's biography and place him in literary history, using the biographies and other information …
Lesson Plan
… Norman Rockwell, Freedom of Speech—Know It When You See It … yes Norman Rockwell … First Amendment evident in everyday local community life? History & Social Studies Civics Art & Culture Painting 6-8 …
Lesson Plan
… Lesson 2: Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury: Benjy's Sense of Time and … reader is asked to grapple with questions of perception, history, and chronology. Background … This lesson, part of a …
Lesson Plan
… Death in Poetry: A.E. Housman's "To an Athlete Dying Young" and Dylan Thomas' "Do Not Go … the Academy of American Poets and Poems for Funerals for a history of death in poetry. Preparation Review the lesson …
Lesson Plan
… Tanka: Japanese Poetry … yes Mantoku-ji in Obama, Fukui prefecture, Japan. Photo … characteristics of tanka? What can we learn about Japanese history and culture by reading and composing tanka? …
Lesson Plan
Sor Juana, la poetisa: Los sonetos … yes Portrait of Sor … A Vision of Puerto Rico, National Museum of American History   Un rosario : Aunque creado en el siglo XX en …
Lesson Plan
… Esperanza renace: Aprendiendo a no temer el comenzar de nuevo … las maneras en que entendemos e interactuamos con el mundo? History & Social Studies U.S. History Literature & Language …
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… Personal or Social Tragedy? A Close Reading of Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome … yes Photograph … of the realist and naturalist periods of American literary history. Wharton was claimed by the older generation of …
Lesson Plan
… Lesson 3: Repetition in the Visual Arts … yes Palazzo da Mula … arts, and how does it affect works of art? Art & Culture History Painting Literature & Language Arts Viewing …