Lesson Plan
Lesson 3: Trekking to Timbuktu: Timbuktu: A Center of Trade (Student Version)

Photo caption
Timbuktu from the terrace of the traveller's house in 1858.
Hop (back) in the time capsule and travel to 14th century Timbuktu.Your task is to find out about the origins of the city and discover why it became such an important place. Here's a hint: as the realtors say, “Location is everything.”
Guiding Questions
What were the origins of Timbuktu?
What role did geography play in the development of Timbuktu?
What did the kingdom of Mali contribute to civilization?
Learning Objectives
Examine the origins of Timbuktu.
Evaluate the importance of geography to the political, economic, and cultural development of Timbuktu.
Evaluate the short and long-term significance of Mali.
Lesson Plan Details
Content Standards
Lesson Activities
Lesson Extensions