Lesson 1: The President Under the Articles of Confederation

Gilbert Stuart portrait of George Washington.
"… the executive authority, with few exceptions, is to be vested in a single magistrate. This will scarcely, however, be considered as a point upon which any comparison can be grounded; for if, in this particular, there be a resemblance to the king of Great Britain, there is not less a resemblance to the … khan of Tartary, to the Man of the Seven Mountains...."
—Alexander Hamilton in The Federalist Papers #69.
"... if you adopt this government, you will incline to an arbitrary and odious aristocracy or monarchy..."
—Anti-Federalist Paper Cato #5 Executive Power
At the time the Founders were shaping the future of a new country, John Adams suggested the President should be addressed as "His Excellency." Happily, others recognized that such a title was inappropriate. Though the proper form of address represents only a small detail, defining everything about the Presidency was central to the idea of America that was a work-in-progress when the nation was young.
Guiding Questions
How was the role of President defined in the Articles of Confederation?
What were the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation regarding the role of the President?
Learning Objectives
Examine the responsibilities of the President as defined by the Articles of Confederation.
Evaluate the power of a President under the Article of Confederation.