On This Day With Lewis and Clark

Lewis and Clark.
As evidenced by a popular PBS documentary and a best-selling book, the adventures of Lewis and Clark have captured the American imagination once again in the last few years. Why such a strong interest?
During much of their journey, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark had no idea what they would encounter next. And, in a sense, that is how everyone lives every day. Even when we think we know what's around the corner, life can throw surprises at us. The story of Lewis and Clark is the universal story of human beings dealing with the unexpected. It's also great entertainment with a compelling cast of characters—an adventure, a road trip, a buddy story. It's about teamwork and failure and success. It brims with history and science.
Looking at historic maps of the West, students can begin to appreciate the immensity and mystery of the mission Lewis and Clark accepted. As "experts" investigating specific subjects assigned to Lewis by President Jefferson, students will conduct careful research. Reading brief diary entries of the men of the Corps will spark the interest of students as they relive the discoveries of the original participants.
Guiding Questions
To what extent did the Lewis and Clark Expedition overcome and create challenges?
How did the expedition members fulfill the charge given by President Thomas Jefferson?
What is the legacy of Lewis and Clark?
Learning Objectives
Examine topographic maps to understand the natural and human-made challenges they would encounter.
Analyze the motives and impacts of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
Analyze indigenous responses to the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
Evaluate the short and long-term consequences of the expedition made by Lewis and Clark.