Lesson 1: The First Great Awakening

George Whitefield was a leader of the First Great Awakening in colonial America.
In the middle of the 18th century, a series of evangelical religious revival movements swept across colonial America. Known as the First Great Awakening, the movements were characterized by emotional religious conversions from a state of sin to a "new birth" and by dramatic and powerful preaching, sometimes outdoors, by itinerant preachers in front of crowds of thousands. The First Great Awakening also marked a new effort by European colonialists to reach out to Native Americans and African-Americans. By examining primary documents from the time, this lesson will introduce students to the ideas, practices, and evangelical spirit of the First Great Awakening.
Guiding Questions
How did the First Great Awakening affect religious practices in colonial America?
To what extent does religious freedom exist in the U.S. today?
Learning Objectives
Evaluate the significance of place and time to why the First Great Awakening occurred.
Evaluate the motives, beliefs, and actions associated with the First Great Awakening.
Evaluate the ideas of Jonathan Edwards and their significance within the context of the time of the Great Awakening.
Discuss how colonial Americans perceived the First Great Awakening and how it affected the lives of both colonial Americans and Native Americans.