Couriers in the Inca Empire: Getting Your Message Across

Machu Picchu, Peru.
This lesson will show how the Inca communicated across the vast stretches of their mountain realm, the largest empire of the pre-industrial world. It will explain how couriers carried messages along mountain-ridge roads, up and down stone steps, and over chasm-spanning footbridges. Couriers could pass a message from Quito to Cuzco in 10 days, about the same time as it takes today's modern postal service to deliver a letter between those two cities.
Guiding Questions
How did the Inca communicate across their large Empire?
Learning Objectives
Describe the Inca as a people who built an empire in the mountains of South America
Identify the latitude and longitude of the Inca Empire on a map.
Identify the challenges of communicating over the large distances and difficult terrain of the Inca Empire.
Explain the use of quipus, colored and knotted ropes carried by couriers that tallied numbers of warriors, amounts of gold, quantities of corn, etc.
Compare the role of couriers in the Inca Empire with communication now.