Spanish Language Websites: Beginning through Early Intermediate

  • Aprende y Diviértete con Don Quijote 
    Ministerio de Educación de España, Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas. This site introduces Cervantes and his novel Don Quixote to Spanish language students through engaging interactive activities.  Beginning through early intermediate younger students.
  • Audiolibros, Niños 2010
    A collection of audiobooks, including music and text.  Early intermediate students and younger native-speaking students.  
  • Cuentos y Leyendas Ilustrados por Niños
    From the Ministerio de Educación de España, Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas, a highly interactive site using children’s stories and illustrations to teach vocabulary, grammar, and arithmetic.  Beginning through intermediate younger students. 
  • Educabolivia: Letras e animales
    PowerPoint presentation sponsored by the Educational Site for Bolivia, with an engaging, basic approach to teaching vocabulary using animals’ names and their corresponding letters of the alphabet. Click on link and download presentation from home site.  Beginning younger students.
  • Juego y Aprendo con mi material PREESCOLAR SEGUNDO grado 
    A downloadable online interactive textbook from the second grade of preschool in Mexico, with visual resources for teachers to use for students activities. Beginning younger students.
  • Juego y Aprendo con mi material PREESCOLAR TERCER grado 
    A downloadable online interactive textbook from the third grade of preschool in Mexico, with visual resources for teachers to use for student activities.  Beginning younger students. 
  • Libro de Texto de PRIMERO DE PRIMARIA — Educación Artística 
    From the Secretaría de Educación Pública (México), a searchable and downloadable online textbook on art education rich with images, to teach vocabulary and the appreciation of the arts, with spaces with activities for the students to analyze aspects of art education. Advanced beginning through intermediate students.
  • Libro de Texto de SEGUNDO DE PRIMARIA — Educación Cívica y Ética 
    From the Secretaría de Educación Pública (México), a searchable and downloadable online textbook on the subject of civics and ethics with high quality visuals and some history and anthropology on the origins of Pre-Columbian cultures. Early intermediate students.
  • Libro de Texto de PRIMERO DE PRIMARIA — Español 
    From the Secretaría de Educación Pública (México), a searchable and downloadable online textbook for first grade elementary native Spanish speakers with factsheets, activities, lessons, questionnaires, reading materials with visuals. Beginning through intermediate students. 
  • Libro de Texto de SEGUNDO DE PRIMARIA — Español 
    From the Secretaría de Educación Pública (México), a searchable and downloadable online textbook for first grade elementary native Spanish speakers on the subject of Spanish with factsheets, activities, lessons, questionnaires, reading materials with visuals. Beginning through early intermediate students. 
  • El caracol Serafín 
    From the Ministerio de Educación de España, Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas, a site for young children with a Flash-based story of the snail Serafín with sound and written captions. Beginning through early intermediate younger students.
  • Niños 2010: Centenario Revolución, Bicentenario Independencia 
    Created in honor of the Bicentennial of Independence and the Centennial of the Revolution in 2010, this site is a resource for teaching about the Mexican Revolution and Mexican Independence.  Early intermediate and younger native-speaking students.
  • Proyecto Música Educa 
    From Juventudes Musicales of Alcalá de Henares, Spain, a site to learn basic letters and sounds in Spanish. Content is mostly auditory and is also recommended as a supplement to immersion and bilingual instruction.  Early intermediate students.

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